Or otherwise known as "the cwub" (ok, no one says that but me.)

Have you ever wanted to mend your own clothes but don't know where to start? Come learn basic stitches and more at the Queer Craft Club. Or "cwub", if you are cool like me.
Queer Craft Club is a third space hangout for people who want to do work with their hands and have fun with other people outside of capitalism. It’s a small group, hosted by sewing artist Amy Brown (she/her) and in collaboration with the Billy DeFrank Center. Amy is a professional sewist and will share her craft, as well as bring in other artists from the community. There will be opportunities for hand sewing, machine sewing, embroidery, crochet, knitting and more.
For this first ever meeting, if you have never sewn before just bring yourself, ok? I"ll have a simple sewing project we can do by hand. If you've got clothing that needs mending, bring that, and I'll either be able to teach you how to mend it, or give you ideas on what to do.
You do not need to purchase a (free) ticket for this event, but it'll help me prepare enough spaces if I know you'll be coming. It's ok to send me a message instead.
My studio is located in San Jose, at The Alameda Artworks. You'll find this erstwhile roller skating rink right behind Recycle Bookstore. Look for the red door under the blue awning along the side parking area. Go inside that door, then I'm through the PINK door. There is a bike rack outside and a 22 bus stop nearby, as well as Diridon for Caltrain and Lightrail about 6 blocks away.
